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==Elsarticle - CAS==
==Elsarticle - CAS==

Line 407: Line 409:
</td><td>[[File:cas-list.png|thumb|right|400px|CAS List]]</td></tr></table>
</td><td>[[File:cas-list.png|thumb|right|400px|CAS List]]</td></tr></table>

<code>\bio</code> command have the below options:
# <code>width</code>: Width of the author photo (default is 1in).
# <code>pos</code>: Position of author photo.
<syntaxhighlight lang="latex">
<syntaxhighlight lang="latex">
Line 418: Line 424:
====CRediT authorship contribution statement====
====CRediT authorship contribution statement====
Give the authorship contribution after each author as  
Give the authorship contribution after each author as  
<syntaxhightlight lang="latex">
<syntaxhighlight lang="latex">
  \credit{Conceptualization of this study, Methodology, Software}
  \credit{Conceptualization of this study, Methodology, Software}

To print the details use <code>\printcredits</code>
To print the details use <code>\printcredits</code>
<table><tr><td valign="top">
<syntaxhightlight lang="latex">
<syntaxhighlight lang="latex">
  \author[1,3]{V. {{\=A}}nand Rawat}[auid=000,
  \author[1,3]{V. {{\=A}}nand Rawat}[auid=000,
Line 455: Line 463:
   . . .
   . . .
</td><td valign="top">[[File:cas-credit-authorship.png|thumb|right|400px|CAS Credit Authorship]]</td></tr></table>

<code>biblatex</code> package in combination with <code>biber</code> is the recommended package for bibliography
<code>biblatex</code> package in combination with <code>biber</code> is the recommended package for bibliography
processing — both citation and listing. As you are aware, <code>biblatex</code> offers a wide variety of
processing — both citation and listing. As you are aware, <code>biblatex</code> offers a wide variety of
bibliography citation features.
bibliography citation features.
Please take a look at [[Model-wise_bibliographic_style_files|this page]]
<syntaxhighlight lang="latex">
\bibitem[{Kavoulakis and Baym(1996)}]{KAVOULAKIS:1996}
G.~Kavoulakis and G.~Baym, Phys. Rev. B \textbf{53}, 7227 (1996).
\bibitem[{Roslyak and Birman(2007)}]{ROSLYAK:2007}
  O.~Roslyak and J.~Birman, arXiv:cond-mat/0703650, PRB to be published
</td><td valign="top">[[File:cas-references.png|thumb|right|400px|CAS Credit Authorship]]</td></tr></table>-->

Latest revision as of 18:58, 24 August 2022


Elsarticle - CAS

Class files


There are two class files

  1. cas-sc.cls for single column journals.
  2. cas-dc.cls for double column journals.

and have an option longmktitle to handle long front matter.

Front matter

  \title[mode = title]{Leveraging social media news to predict stock
    index movement using RNN-boost}


  \tnotetext[1]{This document is the results of the research project
    funded by the National Science Foundation.}

  \tnotetext[2]{The second title footnote which is a longer text
    matter to fill through the whole text width and overflow into
    another line in the footnotes area of the first page.}

  \author[1,3]{V. {{\=A}}nand Rawat}[type=editor,

  \credit{Conceptualization of this study, Methodology, Software}

  \address[1]{Indian \TeX{} Users Group, Trivandrum 695014, India}

  \author[2,4]{Han Theh Thanh}[style=chinese]

  \author[2,3] {T. Rishi Nair}[role=Co-ordinator,

  \credit{Data curation, Writing - Original draft preparation}

  \address[2]{Sayahna Foundation, Jagathy, Trivandrum 695014, India}

  \author[1,3]{Karl Berry}

  \address[3]{\TeX{} Users Group, Providence, MA, USA}

  \cortext[cor1]{Corresponding author} 
  \cortext[cor2]{Principal corresponding author} 
  \fntext[fn1]{This is the first author footnote. 
    but is common to third author as well.}

  \fntext[fn2]{Another author footnote, this is a very long footnote
    and it should be a really long footnote. But this footnote is not
    yet sufficiently long enough to make two lines of footnote text.}

  \fntext[fn3]{K. Berry is the editor of \TeX Live.}

  \nonumnote{This note has no numbers. In this work we demonstrate
    $a_b$ the formation Y\_1 of a new type of polariton on the
    interface between a cuprous oxide slab and a polystyrene
    micro-sphere placed on the slab. The evanescent field of the
    resonant whispering gallery mode (\WGM) of the micro sphere has a
    substantial gradient, and therefore effectively couples with the
    quadrupole $1S$ excitons in cuprous oxide.}

 \begin{abstract}[S U M M A R Y]
  In this work we demonstrate $a_b$ the formation Y\_1 of a new type
  of polariton on the interface between a cuprous oxide slab and a
  polystyrene micro-sphere placed on the slab. The evanescent field of
  the resonant whispering gallery mode (\WGM) of the micro sphere has
  a substantial gradient, and therefore effectively couples with the
  quadrupole $1^S$ excitons in cuprous oxide. This evanescent
  polariton has a long life-time, which is determined only by its
  excitonic and \WGM component. The polariton lower branch has a well
  pronounced minimum. This suggests that this excitation is localized
  and can be utilized for possible \BEC. The spatial coherence of the
  polariton can be improved by assembling the micro-spheres into a
  linear chain.
  quadrupole exciton \sep polariton \sep \WGM \sep \BEC

CAS Front matter in double column
CAS Front matter in single column


\title command have the below options:

  1. title: Document title
  2. alt: Alternate title
  3. sub: Sub title
  4. trans: Translated title
  5. transsub: Translated sub title
\title[mode=title]{This is a title}
\title[mode=alt]{This is a alternate title}
\title[mode=sub]{This is a sub title}
\title[mode=trans]{This is a translated title}
\title[mode=transsub]{This is a translated sub title}


\author command have the below options:

  1. auid: Author id
  2. bioid: Biography id
  3. alt: Alternate author
  4. style: Style of author name chinese
  5. prefix: Prefix Sir
  6. suffix: Suffix
  7. degree: Degree
  8. role: Role
  9. orcid: ORCID
  10. collab: Collaboration
  11. anon: Anonymous author
  12. deceased : Deceased author
  13. twitter : Twitter account
  14. facebook : Facebook account
  15. linkedin : LinkedIn account
  16. plus: Google plus account
  17. gplus: Google plus account
\author[1,3]{Author Name}[type=editor,
    facebook=<facebook id>,
    twitter=<twitter id>,
    linkedin=<linkedin id>,
    gplus=<gplus id>]

Various Marks in the Front Matter

The front matter becomes complicated due to various kinds of notes and marks to the title and author names. Marks in the title will be denoted by a star (⋆) mark; footnotes are denoted by super scripted Arabic numerals, corresponding author by of an Conformal asterisk (*) mark.

Title marks

Title mark can be entered by the command, \tnotemark[<num>] and the corresponding text can be entered with the command \tnotetext[<num>]{<text>}. An example will be:

\title[mode=title]{Leveraging social media news to predict
                      stock index movement using RNN-boost}


\tnotetext[1]{This document is the results of the research
   project funded by the National Science Foundation.}

\tnotetext[2]{The second title footnote which is a longer text matter
   to fill through the whole text width and overflow into
   another line in the footnotes area of the first page.}

\tnotetext and \tnotemark can be anywhere in the front matter, but shall be before \maketitle command.

Author marks

Author names can have many kinds of marks and notes:

  1. footnote mark : \fnmark[<num>]
  2. footnote text : \fntext[<num>]{<text>}
  3. affiliation mark : \author[<num>]
  4. email : \ead{<emailid>}
  5. url : \ead[url]{<url>}
  6. corresponding author mark : \cormark[<num>]
  7. corresponding author text : \cortext[<num>]{<text>}
Other marks

At times, authors want footnotes which leave no marks in the author names. The note text shall be listed as part of the front matter notes. Class files provides \nonumnote for this purpose. The usage


and should be entered anywhere before the \maketitle command for this to take effect.

Abstract and Keywords

Abstract shall be entered in an environment that starts with \begin{abstract} and ends with \end{abstract}. Longer abstracts spanning more than one page is also possible in Class file even in double column mode. We need to invoke longmktitle option in the class loading line for this to happen smoothly.

The key words are enclosed in a {keyword} environment.

 This is a abstract. \lipsum[3]

 First keyword \sep Second keyword \sep Third keyword \sep Fourth keyword
CAS Abstract and keywords

Main Matter


Normal tables
  \caption{This is a test caption.}
  \begin{tabular*}{\tblwidth}{@{} LLLL@{} }
    Col 1 & Col 2\\
    12345 & 12345\\
    12345 & 12345\\
    12345 & 12345\\
    12345 & 12345\\
    12345 & 12345\\
CAS Simple table
Span tables
  \caption{This is a test caption.}
  \begin{tabular*}{\tblwidth}{@{} LLLLLL@{} }
    Col 1 & Col 2 & Col 3 & Col4 & Col5 & Col6 & Col7\\
    12345 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 & 123 \\
    12345 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 & 123 \\
    12345 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 & 123 \\
    12345 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 & 123 \\
    12345 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 & 123 & 12345 & 123 \\
CAS Span table


Normal figures
	\caption{The evanescent light - $1S$ quadrupole coupling
	($g_{1,l}$) scaled to the bulk exciton-photon coupling
	($g_{1,2}$). The size parameter $kr_{0}$ is denoted as $x$ and
	the \PMS is placed directly on the cuprous oxide sample ($\delta
	r=0$, See also Fig. \protect\ref{FIG:2}).}
CAS Simple figure
Span figures
	\caption{Schematic of formation of the evanescent polariton on
	linear chain of \PMS. The actual dispersion is determined by 
        the ratio of two coupling parameters such as exciton-\WGM coupling
	and \WGM-\WGM coupling between the microspheres.}
CAS Span figure

Theorem and theorem like environments

CAS class file provides a few hooks to format theorems and theorem like environments with ease. All commands the options that are used with \newtheorem command will work exactly in the same manner. Class file provides three commands to format theorem or theorem like environments:

1. \newtheorem command formats a theorem in LaTeX’s default style with italicized font for theorem statement, bold weight for theorem heading and theorem number typeset at the right of theorem heading. It also optionally accepts an argument which will be printed as an extra heading in parentheses. Here is an example coding and output:

 The \WGM evanescent field penetration depth into the cuprous oxide
 adjacent crystal is much larger than the \QE radius: 
  \lambda_{1S}/2 \pi \left({\epsilon_{Cu2O}-1}\right)^{1/2} = 414 \mbox{
  \AA} \gg a_B = 4.6 \mbox{ \AA}  
CAS Theorem

2. \newdefinition command does exactly the same thing as with except that the body font is up-shape instead of italic. See the example below:

 The bulk and evanescent polaritons in cuprous oxide
 are formed through the quadrupole part of the light-matter
  H_{int} = \frac{i e }{m \omega_{1S}} {\bf E}_{i,s} \cdot {\bf p}
CAS Definition

3. \newproof command helps to define proof and custom proof environments without counters as provided in the example code. Given below is an example of proof of theorem kind.

\newproof{pot}{Proof of Theorem \ref{thm}}
 The photon part of the polariton trapped inside the \PMS moves as
 it would move in a micro-cavity of the effective modal volume $V
 \ll 4 \pi r_{0}^{3} /3$. Consequently, it can escape through the
 evanescent field. This evanescent field essentially has a quantum
 origin and is due to tunneling through the potential caused by
 dielectric mismatch on the \PMS surface. Therefore, we define the
 \emph{evanescent} polariton (\EP) as an evanescent light - \QE
 coherent superposition.
CAS Proof

Enumerated and Itemized Lists

CAS class files provides an extended list processing macros which makes the usage a bit more user friendly than the default LaTeX list macros. With an optional argument to the \begin{enumerate} command, you can change the list counter type and its attributes. You can see the coding and typeset copy.

  \item The enumerate environment starts with an optional
        argument ‘1.’ so that the item counter will be suffixed
        by a period as in the optional argument.
  \item If you provide a closing parenthesis to the number in the
        optional argument, the output will have closing parenthesis
        for all the item counters.
  \item You can use ‘(a)’ for alphabetical counter and ’(i)’ for
        roman counter.
    \item Another level of list with alphabetical counter.
    \item One more item before we start another.
      \item This item has roman numeral counter.
      \item Another one before we close the third level.
    \item Third item in second level.
  \item All list items conclude with this step.
CAS List


\bio command have the below options:

  1. width: Width of the author photo (default is 1in).
  2. pos: Position of author photo.
 \textbf{Another Biography:}
  Recent experimental \cite{HARA:2005} and theoretical
  \cite{DEYCH:2006} studies have shown that the \WGM can travel
  along the chain as "heavy photons". Therefore the \WGM acquires
  the spatial dispersion, and the evanescent quadrupole polariton
  has the form (See Fig.\ref{FIG:3}):

CRediT authorship contribution statement

Give the authorship contribution after each author as

 \credit{Conceptualization of this study, Methodology, Software}

To print the details use \printcredits

 \author[1,3]{V. {{\=A}}nand Rawat}[auid=000,
  \ead[url]{www.cvr.cc, www.tug.org.in}

  \credit{Conceptualization of this study, Methodology, Software}

  \address[1]{Indian \TeX{} Users Group, Trivandrum 695014, India}

  \author[2,4]{Han Theh Thanh}[style=chinese]

  \author[2,3]{T. Rishi Nair}[role=Co-ordinator,

  \credit{Data curation, Writing - Original draft preparation}

  . . .
  . . .
  . . .
CAS Credit Authorship


biblatex package in combination with biber is the recommended package for bibliography processing — both citation and listing. As you are aware, biblatex offers a wide variety of bibliography citation features.

Please take a look at this page