FAQ - elsarticle.cls

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[LaTeX Tutorial]    &nbsp [Using elsarticle.cls]

Preamble and Frontmatter

  1. When I compile the pdf with elsarticle, I always get a blank first page which is numbered 1. The rest of the document starts at page 2. [Answer]
  2. I have a problem with the document class elsarticle. In the final document, the first page is empty except for a comma, and the title. The abstract begins in the second page. With elsart.cls I did not encounter this problem. [Answer]
  3. I am using elsarticle.cls and having problems with the abstract part. The abstract is missing in the PDF even if I code it using the {abstract} environment. [Answer]
  4. I am getting 2 straight lines only instead of the abstract, even if I code the abstract in the {abstract} environment. [Answer]
  5. I am using the lineno package to add line numbers to the manuscript before submission. This does not number the lines in the abstract. Is there a way around this? [Answer]
  6. The title page appeared twice. How can I remove one? [Answer]
  7. How can I typeset the title page and main matter in separate pages? [Answer]
  8. I have made numerous attempts to get the email addresses to appear on the title page of my article, but with no luck. [Answer]
  9. How should I code a dedication? [Answer]


  1. I am preparing my paper using elsarticle.cls and LaTeX. Can you tell me how to compress lists of at least three consecutive numerical citations that occur together in the text? [Answer]
  2. I am using elsarticle.cls package for my paper submission. It really works very well, but I cannot use natbib package with the sort&compress option; an option clash error appears when I use it. In such a case, the reference citation appears as [30, 40, 15, 31, 32, 4] rather than [4, 15, 30-32, 40] as the ordinary article class appears. [Answer]
  3. I am using elsarticle.cls, and I want to present 2 subfigures side by side, caption them separately and also would like to incorporate a global caption. [Answer]
  4. When I use the review option, my tables become malformed due to double spacing. How can prevent double spacing? Also is there a way to turn off the double spacing for a portion of the document? [Answer]
  5. I have coded the bibliography for author year citations. But still I obtain numbered citations. How can I format the citation in the author--year form? [Answer]
  6. I want to add nomenclature. Could you please guide me on that? [Answer]
  7. How can I create an acknowledgement section? [Answer]
  8. When I used \Box, I get the error that `\Box not provided in base LaTeX2e'. [Answer]


  1. I just can't get the references and bibliography typeset in harvard style (i.e., author-year format). [Answer]
  2. I am using `elsarticle-harv.bst' as bibtex style file that is supposed to produce references in an author-year citation style. However, it produces the references in numerical style. Do you know what can be wrong? [Answer]
  3. I have now problem with bibliography. The reference list does not appear. Also the `?' only appear where the references are cross-referred to. [Answer]
  4. How do I get natbib to generate the references with journal abbreviations rather than full journal names. [Answer]

General questions

  1. I would like to sumbit a paper to Elsevier. Please advise how should I proceed? [Answer]
  2. I would like to know the status of my submited paper. [Answer]
  3. I am preparing a paper for Chemical Engineering Science. I have downloaded required LaTeX package, however, I am confused about which reference style I should use for this journal? [Answer]
  4. I am using the template file (elsarticle-template-num). For the abstract part the paper asks for an MSC code. Where do I find that code for my paper? [Answer]
  5. From where can I download the soure files used to create elsdoc.pdf? [Answer]
  6. How do I create the line- and page-breaks, and in the same pagination when the article is printed in the journal? [Answer]